Grant or deny access to server for specific IP's while using basic auth

In this article, we'll tackle the problem how we can decide if a visitor should or should not login on a server with basic auht enabled, based on it's IP-adress.

So what is the result we want to achieve? We want to implement an .htpasswd so visitors need to have a valid login, except when the request came from a whitelisted IP adress.
In that case, no login is asked and you'll be redirected to the site. Like a VIP that would skip a waiting queue for a club.
This method has a version for Apache and Nginx:

This method is used for Apache2

Method 1: Server without varnish enabled

There is a difference when a server has or have not varnish enabled.
For now we'll make it simple assuming there is no interruption with any service like varnish. In that case we'll use the next setup:

For best practice, we put this code at the top of our .htaccess file 

AuthType Basic AuthName "Restricted Content" AuthUserFile /var/www/user/apache2/.htpasswd # Required IP's will be granted access without login require ip # Only a person with valid credentials will be redirected require valid-user


Method 2: Server with varnish enabled

For a server with varnish enabled, is a different approach needed. All requests that go through varnish will pass the header (X-Forwarded-For), but it may contain some tempered information about the visitors IP.
Because of this modification, the request for immediate access will be denied and the visitor will be asked to login. To make sure this won't happen, we'll add a variable for the header that contains the whitelisted IP-adress.
The code below will do the trick:

AuthType Basic AuthName "Restricted Content" AuthUserFile /var/www/user/apache2/.htpasswd # For best practice will we add the IP's to the required list require ip # Only a person with valid credentials will be redirected require valid-user # We create the variables for the header like so (Ip should be written between quotes): SetEnvIF X-Forwarded-For AllowIP # Include the env variable Require env AllowIP

This method is used for Nginx

For best practice, we put this code as the fist location condition in 50main.conf

location / {
   fastcgi_param HTTPS on; 
   try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args; 
   auth_basic "Administrator ^`^ys Area"; 
   auth_basic_user_file $MAGE_ROOT/.htpasswd; # Whitelist Ip-adress allow ; 
   satisfy any; 

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