This article is always changing as we streamline our procedures, if you would like to stay up to date with the optimal ways to manage your TurboStack server, be sure to check back here from time to time.
Custom configs on TurboStack
NGINX config on TurboStack
You can modify the NGINX config using the included files in ~/nginx
Apache config on TurboStack
You can modify the NGINX config using the included files in ~/apache
Varnish config on TurboStack
You can add Varnish config to the VCL by adding files to the /etc/varnish/conf.d directory.
Managing services on TurboStack
You can manage most important services without having root access, by using the TurboStack CLI. For example, if you wanted to easily clear the Varnish cache, you can run 'tscli varnish clear'.